I de anvisningar för sökande som finns på EPSO:s webbplats (3 ) finner du de We are working to find the centre of gravity of the European general interest for 


EU-institutionerna väljer ut sina tjänstemän genom allmänna uttagningsprov. De allmänna uttagningsproven innehåller ett antal delprov för att jämföra de sökande. Uttagningsproven är öppna för alla EU-medborgare som uppfyller behörighetskraven. Detta förfarande ger alla sökande samma chans att visa sin kompetens och

Learn more about EPSO and why plants matter. How to request for information: An applicant who would like further information or considers that he/she has grounds for complaint concerning a particular decision of the selection procedure may send a request by e-mail to recruitment@emsa.europa.eu preferably within 10 working days from the date he/she was notified. to be invited by EPSO to undergo the EPSO/CAST/P/1/2017, EPSO/CAST/P3/2017 and EPSO/CAST/P14/2017 competitions, because they have APPLICATIONS@ec.europa.eu quoting the reference of the call for expression of interest. Candidates are invited to apply in English. If at Please send your CV and cover letter (with your EPSO CAST number) via email to Ms Adriana VÁZQUEZ GARRIDO, Head of Division adriana.vazquez@eeas.europa.eu - Deadline for sending application: Sunday 02/05/2021 at 18.00 (CET).

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De allmänna uttagningsproven innehåller ett antal delprov för att jämföra de sökande. Uttagningsproven är öppna för alla EU-medborgare som uppfyller behörighetskraven. Detta förfarande ger alla sökande samma chans att visa sin kompetens och Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions Prepare with best EPSO tests, discover the structure and format of the EPSO tests by sample ones. (EPSO) NOTICE OF OPEN COMPETITION EPSO/A/18/04 (2004/C 96 A/01) The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is organising an open competition, based on tests, to constitute a reserve pool from which to recruit ADMINISTRATORS(*) (A7/A6)(1) IN THE SPECIALISED FIELDS OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY CONTENTS A. DUTIES AND ELIGIBILITY (PROFILE EPSO announces NEW competition release dates + CBT & AC exam periods. Applications OPEN! EPSO Proofreaders / Language Editors competition (eu-LISA) Tallinn, Estonia.

In doing so the EU demonstrated its determination to respond to the needs of the Balkan Region: to rebuild after the damage caused by conflict, to stabilise the region and to support governments with democratic reforms. The ERDO quickly gained a reputation for tests and correspondence between you and EPSO.

Whether you're working for an EU institution or an EU agency, the EU offers a stimulating and challenging workplace for everyone. Coronaviruset – viktig information NYTT – uppdatering den 19 mars 2021 : Epso fortsätter att följa smittläget och tillämpar förstås också alla försiktighetsåtgärder som EU-institutionerna och de nationella myndigheterna rekommenderar.

ESCAIDE 2021: Call for abstracts . The call for abstracts for this year's European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ESCAIDE) is now open and will close on 19 May. The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is publishing the following notices of open competition in parallel: — EPSO/AST/5/05 (B*3) in the buildings management sector, — EPSO/AST/6/05 (C*1) in the buildings management sector.

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Kommissionens praktikprogram är öppet för högskoleutbildade från hela världen. Praktikplatser erbjuds inom en rad områden och ger dig en bra inblick i EU:s 

Learn more about the European Parliament . If you are already registered in the EPSO CAST Permanent there is no need to re-register. (EU) 2018/1725 of the Avenida de Europa, 4, 03008 Alicante, Spain Please send your CV and cover letter (with your EPSO CAST number) via email to Ms Adriana VÁZQUEZ GARRIDO, Head of Division adriana.vazquez@eeas.europa.eu - Deadline for sending application: Sunday 02/05/2021 at 18.00 (CET). EU Careers, Brussels, Belgium. 417K likes.

EPSO's role is to serve the EU Institutions by providing high quality, efficient and effective selection procedures that enable them to recruit the right person,  30 Jul 2020 If you think you have what it takes to tackle an exciting career within an EU Institution then now is the time to start training for the EPSO selection  Are you looking for an exciting new career in a dynamic, fast-paced environment? Then look no further than the EU. Whether you're working for an EU institution  EU careers : The European Personnel Selection Office is the place to start! Europa > EPSO > Ansökningar. Hantera dina ansökningar. Ditt Epsokonto. Epso är en interinstitutionell byrå som ansvarar för att välja ut personal till EU:s samtliga institutioner och organ, bland annat Europaparlamentet, rådet, Europeiska  Kommissionen är EU:s verkställande organ och den enda EU-institution som kan föreslå nya http://ec.europa.eu/index_sv.htm Referens: EPSO/AD/389/21. Careers with the European Union - by the European Personnel Selection Office.
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More V (Announcements) ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES EUROPEAN PERSONNEL SELECTION OFFICE (EPSO) NOTICE OF OPEN COMPETITION EPSO/AST/65/08 (2008/C 154 A/01) The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is organising an open competition, based on qualifications EPSO is an independent academic organisation that represents more than 220 research institutes, departments and universities from 31 countries in Europe and beyond.

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Working for the EU, you can pursue many different career options, With a 40,000-strong workforce, there's plenty of opportunity to find your perfect post.

Europaparlamentets generalsekretariat, liksom majoriteten av EU:s På EPSO:s (European Personnel Selection Office) hemsida kan du läsa  eur-lex.europa.eu. Du kommer att arbeta inom en eller flera sektorer som har koppling till förvaltning av institutionens projekt/program/ avtal (vetenskapliga,  Europeiska rekryteringsbyrån (European Personnel Selection Office), EPSO tar hand om det första testet som görs på dator, de egentliga  I de anvisningar för sökande som finns på EPSO:s webbplats (3 ) finner du de We are working to find the centre of gravity of the European general interest for  EPSO/AST/92/09 (AST 3): PRÉPRESSE — finalité générale de la fonction: infographiste.